

Welcome dear readers

Seventy-eight years have passed since the end of the Second World War, and yet this period is more present than ever in our everyday lives. The authority to interpret the events of that time has become a political issue. Discussions about reappraisal, the question of guilt and reparation all too often determine day-to-day political events.

Many of us have probably wondered what our own father, grandfather or great-grandfather experienced in the war. What motivated him to go to war and what were the goals he fought for? Most of the veterans of the World War have been dead and silent for many years. The last remaining ones have already reached the age of one hundred or are about to do so.

Great friendships grew out of many interview hours and soon the idea of writing biographies of the contemporary witnesses. My intention is to give a forgotten and condemned generation a voice for the last time. Future generations should be shown under which circumstances our grandfathers grew up at that time, out of which motivation they went to war and what they had to go through there. It is an approach to make young people understand what happened back then.

Many hours of interviews resulted in great friendships and soon the idea of ​​writing biographies of eyewitnesses. My intention is to give one last voice to a forgotten and doomed generation. Subsequent generations should be shown the circumstances under which our grandfathers grew up, what motivated them to go to war and what they had to go through there. It is an approach to make young people understand what happened back then.   

I look forward to welcoming you as a customer in my online store and hope you will find what you are looking for in my offer. Every book purchase supports my work. You know still living contemporary witnesses of the world war or have unpublished diary entries, manuscripts or photo albums? I look forward to hearing from you and am grateful for any material that is made available for fair documentation purposes.

Adrian Matthes, Erlangen, März 2023

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